On approche peut-être d’une solution. Un Australien semble être arrivé au
Réponse de Oceang.
Je recopie :
“ Success at last. Thanks for all the suggestions through this thread. I
think I voted Helpful wherever I used the suggestion.
Background, I am based in Australia and use Money 2003 Standard on Windows 8
Professional 64 bit, and have been using versions of Money for over 12
Firstly, make sure you have adequate backups of your MS Money files before
you try this, as I found there was a bit of trial and error involved. I
also have the advantage of being able to install Money on another PC for
testing all of this.
The setup I have got working is as follows:
1. Setup the Dummy Investment account in MS Money. I called
mine"hleofxquotes". Left it empty with no investments in it.
2. Use the hleOfxQuotes-Build_20111221_78-app.jar version of hleofxquotes.
You need this to get the "Incrementally Increased share Count" option.
Without this set to "true", the OFX is imported OK, but doesnt update the
share prices as the quantity in Money hasnt changed.
3. I found that I needed to use Yahoo as my data source, so that means
typing in all of my 20 stocks with a ".AX" suffix (separated by commas) into
the "Symbols" section of the hleofxQuotes screen. Example
4. Setup mapper.csv with a line entry for each of my 20 stocks. Example
5. Run hleofxquotes "Update Prices".
6. Run hleofxquotes "Import to MS Money". If Money is not started, you will
be prompted to start it.
7. You will get a popup inside Money asking you which account to associate
the OFX file with. Select your dummy account, in my case "hleofxquotes".
8. Money should come up with a pop-up "Import Completed". Click OK.
9. You will now get a popup for each stock asking for confirmation that it
is matching OK, both for the Investment Name and also the Symbol. If you
agree, just click OK, else go back and fix up and re-run the Import process
from wherever your error was.
10. Finally you will get a screen, listing all of the investments to be
imported and stating " Click Next to Update Money to These Positions". Just
click "Next".
11. Another popup appears asking "Do you want Money to update your account
to match the statement?" Click "Yes" and then click "Finish" and then
At this point, all of my investments were correctly updated with the latest
price with today's date.
Outstanding Issues:
1. Unfortunately, the price shows up in the "Price History" as a Buy",
rather then "Online" or "Update", and also appears in the Investment
Activities as "Add Shares". This is because this method is effectively the
equivalent to buying .001 of a share each day at the current price.If you
delete the transaction from the dummy account, the pricing history
disappears as well.
2. Each time a new investment is acquired, I will need to remember to update
the hleofxquotes input screen and mapper.csv, in addition to inputting the
normal "Buy" transaction in Money.
Finally, I originally got all of this working using the Sunset
Money2005-IntlEngl-QFE2 version.
I am unable to use the US Sunset version as it will not convert my
International version of money files.
Once I got it all working Ok with Sunset Money2005-IntlEngl-QFE2 on my test
machine, I went back and repeated the process using my installed Money 2003
Standard and it all works the same way, so I have no need at the moment to
learn a new version of Money and plan to stay on 2003.
Again, thanks to everyone who has helped in this discussion. The solution is
nowhere near as good as what we had, but at least I dont have to type in 20
prices everyday.”
Ça me parait quand même bien compliqué, et mon anglais n’est pas au top.
Si quelqu’un a le courage d’essayer et de nous dire en bon françois. Merci.
Jacquouille la Fripouille
"Périgord, meitat chen meitat porc"